Our Outreach team brings students, teachers, community and research scientists together to develop a deeper understanding of the intricate ecosystems and ecology of the Coastal Everglades.
Areas of Focus
Environmental Literacy
A collection of our favorite classroom resources produced by members of FCE and our partners to teach lessons in ecology, data collection and analysis. Visitors may also gain access to The Everglades Literacy Program produced by our partners at the Everglades Foundation.
Participatory Science
The FCE Schoolyard program consists of several participatory citizen science projects including the LTeaER Decomposition Study, Predator Tracker, and the Coastal Angler Science Team (CAST). Each program is designed to engage members of our community through their participation in the collection and contribution of data that support our long term research.
Research Experiences
The FCE Research Experience program mentors and trains students, early career scientists, and faculty from underrepresented groups to promote the inclusion and equity through our Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU); Research Experience for Teachers (RET); Research Assistantships for High School Students (RAHSS) and Research Experiences for Secondary Students (RESSt) programs. These programs broaden participation through education and outreach opportunities in convergence coastal research led by academic and agency scientist mentors.

FCE scientists collaborate with the arts and humanities to broaden participation and engage an audience that may not be part of the typical STEM community or may not otherwise learn about the importance of the Everglades and other wetlands. FCE partners with several groups that include: Tropical Botanic Artists, Artists in Residence in Everglades, and Xavier Cortada.
FCE LTER includes partnerships with many institutions to expand not only our research scope and impact, but also to provide citizen education programs.